Saturday, March 30, 2013

Some running tips for you.

During week 2 we will be doing 2 running workouts, so we thought these running tips we found online would be good info to read in order to decrease your chances for injury and increase your efficiency.


Friday, March 29, 2013

3fat2fitsisters Survey

Please take this survey now to help us make our blog better.  The answers are anonymous.  Thank you everybody!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Say Goodbye!

Take a look at yourself in the mirror, now say goodbye to the old you, to old habits, to being unhealthy, to excuses, to lack of motivation, to not feeling worth it, to telling yourself tomorrow I'll start and goodbye to quitting!

You have officially become our workout partners.  This means we will push you like we push ourselves.  We will make you sweat.  We will provide the support that we are for each other.  We will answer questions.  We will be the weapon in your weight loss journey, and we will kick your butts in the process.  The one thing we can't do is do this for you, but if you put the work in, you will meet your fitness goals.  Thanks for joining and following our blog.  We are so excited to start this journey with you.  Now, get ready, get focused, and go out there and work it!


Remember if we did it, so can you!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Rules for our 12 week challenge

Remember:  If we can do it, biggest loser contestants can do it, then you can too!

  1. No excuses!
  2. No whining! 
  3. No quitting! 
  4. Quitting is not an option! 
  5. No saying "I CAN'T" 
  6. Believe you can, know you can, show yourself you will! 
  7. Love yourself, love your body and take care of it. 
  8. Stay consistent!
  9. This is your life, take a hold of it and don't let anyone especially YOURSELF tell you you can't!  
  10. Make up your mind that you will do whatever it takes to change your life!
  11.  Promise yourself you are done being fat, putting crap in your body and you will do whatever it takes to be healthy and fit. 
  12. You got yourself here, so it's you and only you, who can get yourself out! 
  13. Never look back!  
  14. You will make mistakes.  The key is, when you make them, don't sabotage yourself.  Let your mistakes go!  Remember it's not the row of Oreos that makes you fat, it's eating the row day after day. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

5 Point Plan

We want you to incorporate an eating guide designed especially for you 


Before you start the challenge, we've created a few forms that will help you keep track of your progress.  Print them, fill them out and hang them where you can see them.

Click here for more 5 point plan goal ideas.

You can choose to follow our plans, design your own or incorporate another plan that you have found online.  First off, we should state that we specifically don't like following restrictive eating plans. Some people, for example, like to use apps, like My Fitness Pal, to keep track of their calories. Other people like to eat 6 small meals a day and some follow a  specific nutrition program.  We are not against any of these ideas, however, we do better with a simple check list that we follow to keep us on the right track.  

Guidelines to follow in designing your own 5 point check list:

Daily goals:  We also recommend including things other than diet and exercise as a part of our 5 point plan.  Because we aren't just taking control of our health, we want to be successful in all aspects of our lives.

Free calories:  We like to include these because you should be realistic, you will have a treat from time to time, and that is okay as long as you are in control.

Be realistic: If your checklist can't be incorporated into your everyday life, then change it!  If you want to live a fit life and stay fit, you have to have a plan that supports your new lifestyle.  A big mistake we have made and many others make, is they start diet plans that are impossible to stick with for the rest of their lives. 

Remember, if you have a bad day, don't just give up.  This isn't an all or nothing program. We truly want it to be your new way of life.

Stay consistent!  Consistency is the only way you will be able to lose or maintain a balanced weight.  Think of your weight loss from day to day.  Don't be impatient with your results.  Remember, if you are consistent with your diet and workouts, you will eventually hit your goals!

 Hannah's weight loss plan: 
(10 more pounds to go UNTIL I hit my goal of 100 pounds lost!)
This plan is designed to spike your metabolism.  If I stick to this plan, I will finally hit my goal.  148 pounds I'm coming for you!
  • 8 cups of water a day
  • 5-6 small meals a day (ex: orange with 12 almonds, cheese and vegetables, apple with cheese, protein shake, 2 small eggs with cheese).  I will do a post with small healthy snacks to fit into your day.  This is where Pinterest is my best friend.  There are so many tips and tricks to healthy snacking.
  • 100% effort for every daily challenge
  • 300 free calories a week
  • No whites/junk (Refer to our earlier post if you need a reminder of what this means)   
Elise's maintenance plan
  • Only 100 calories of sugar or white flour daily
  • 8 cups of water a day
  • work out at least 1 hour 6 days a week
  • no soda/diet soda
  • do my assigned cleaning jobs around the house
Jess's 5 point plan
  • Only 300 calories of junk or whites a day.
  • no more than 1800 calories a day.
  • 8 cups of water a day
  • 1 hour of exercise, 5 days a week.
  • Be in bed by 11pm Monday-Thursday.
      I just stumbled on to this blog for healthy snack ideas!  It is awesome.  Check it out and incorporate some of the ideas in your plan!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Jessica's Emotional Struggle

Jessica's Emotional Struggle 

First of all, I want to say, I can't wait to hear your stories and hope that mine can be a little bit of inspiration. 
I believe my story started as young as 12 years old.  I was a gymnast from about the age of  7 to 15.  Spending those years in the gymnastics world was very exciting and I loved it, it gave me a sense of identity and strength, but I struggled with my body image.  I remember looking at my extremely muscular frame and only noticing the little bit of fat on my inner thighs.  I never saw myself for what I really was.  I was never thin enough and never good enough.  Although, looking back, I was both of those things, I just hadn't realized it yet.  Once I hit 15, I was spending about 5 to 7 hours 5 to 6 days a week in the gym.  Eventually my body started falling apart and I was emotionally spent.  I'd put so much energy into the sport, but I had had enough and quit the summer after my freshman year of junior high.

It was at this point that I lost almost all sense of self-worth and became badly depressed.   
I coped with the depression and low self-esteem by binge eating alone at night, followed by about 2 to 3 hours of intense exercise the next day.   
I fell into an awful cycle that plunge me into deeper self-loathing.  On the outside, I tried to look the part of a happy, beautiful and good person, but on the inside I felt like a shell of a person that only saw everything wrong with her.  (I know this is sounding a little depressing, so let me just say right now, this story ends up so much happier.  So, if anyone of you may be feeling this way right now in your life.  Let me just say, there is hope!  You are beautiful and so important!  And that it is possible to see this in yourself, even though you might not see how right now.)
I made it through high school, but not without a lot of unnecessary pain created by my terrible sense of self.  Then I started college.  The depression just got stronger, and I found myself 20 lbs heavier my first semester from all the binge eating.  I held on to a slight shred of confidence by focusing on my studies and trying to feel intelligent.  
Although I began to see a glimpse of hope, my self-doubt continued and I still struggled to find a good relationship with food.   I would go through cycles of perfect eating and then bingeing, it would cause a lot of unwanted anguish.
It was during my junior year of college that I met my husband.  I married him a year later, and it was at this point that I had to start facing some real demons.  My husband and I both had very good hearts, but both struggled with strong self-esteem issues, which caused a very unhealthy dynamic in our relationship.  A few years later, I got pregnant with our first son and it was at this point that I completely gave up all self control and began eating everything I could possibly eat and stopped all forms of exercise.  I ballooned to about a 200 lb frame!  I felt terrible and was disgusted by myself! 
I hit one of my low points when I was camping with my husband and his family in Canada.  We all packed up and set out to float down the Penticton canal.  I was apprehensive, but was determined to be tough and have fun.  I used a blowup mattress my sister in-law brought with her.  I could barely hoist my gigantic body onto the mattress.  Once I was on I realized every time I sat up the mattress would fill with water and begin to sink!  I couldn't believe how huge I was!  I had to lay on my back almost the entire time just to keep the mattress from sinking!  Everyone was having fun playing and swimming, and I was stuck there uncomfortable and miserable!  

I laid there laughing and crying at the same time.  Laughing, because I looked like a floating beached whale, and crying because I couldn't believe I had let myself get so Fat!  
 I was determined in that moment that I would do everything it took to get my body back to normal.  Being this massive was out of the question!  It was so embarrassing and uncomfortable!
After I had my baby, I launched right into hard core exercise.  I worked harder than ever and after about 8 months, my body was back to normal. I felt better physically, but I still struggled emotionally.
A few years later I was pregnant with my second baby.  I gained and lost a lot of weight for the second time.
About a year after my second child was born my marriage began crashing down around me.  I found myself emotionally distraught.  I could barely find the will to live.  It was at this point that I had to face the pain of all my insecurities.   Through some very special personal experiences I began to see my true worth, my potential and my strength.
I felt like a different person.  I felt true love for myself and others.  My new inner image helped my husband and I maneuver our way through our very complicated emotional issues.   
I started to feel real peace.  This inner strength continues to blossom today.  I've lost my fear of failure and gained a sense of total capability.  
Exercise and eating right has become a way of life.   I have learned to love the pain of very difficult workouts, because every time I find a little more power within.
My Message to you:

By sharing my story I hope to inspire someone to become happier and healthier, not only physically, but especially emotionally!   
If I am worth it, you is worth it!  You are incredible!  You can create a new mind and life!  Dig deep within and discover who you really are.
You have to decide each day that you are worth it and you can do it!   
Find that remarkably strong person inside and let's create this new life together!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hannah's Road to 100!

"Hannah, how did you let yourself get here?" 

That was the question I asked myself when I was 30 weeks pregnant and taking up two seats on my flight home from Virginia.  Sure, I was pregnant, but I had gained over 90 LBS.  I let myself go without realizing how bad it really was.  I remember this flight like it was yesterday.  I was so embarrassed.  I didn't even look pregnant.  I felt and looked like I was walking through the aisle as if I was in a parade, not as a spectator, but as the inflated float. I remember squeezing sideways to fit between the aisle of the airplane, I sat down and grabbed my seat belt stretched it as far as it could go. I was shocked to find that it barely fit around my massive frame.  

I was facing one of my ultimate fears. I became a person who almost had to ask for a seat belt extension. 
This was Elise and I when I came home to visit.  Only 25 weeks!

In that moment I wanted to cry, but I held back the tears and reassured myself that I deal with the weight after I had the baby.  I would joke about it, but it was so painful to look in the mirror everyday.  I remember closing my eyes every time a mirror was around.

Mirrors were avoided like the plague.

(Side note about that picture.  Sorry to interrupt but I think it is important to share.  My mom has pictures of me during and after my pregnancy that I have never seen.  I never looked at any pictures!  Every time I looked at the pictures I face reality!  It brings tears to my eyes because I know the emotion that was behind that face!  The only thing positive about that picture is my sweet baby.)

My weight gain was fast. I was pregnant so literately everything I ate went straight to my big ass (sorry for the language but that's the only way to describe it). It is surprisingly easy to gain 90 LBS.  It could happen to anybody, especially those who ate the kind of crap that I was eating.

My whole life I have been an athlete and pretty healthy.  I worked out with my sisters nearly every day and have trained and completed 4 half marathons.  I had been a personal trainer, so I felt like I didn't have an excuse to be tipping the scales at 248 LBS!  I knew and had the tools to stay healthy and fit despite the fact I was pregnant.

Pregnancy is no excuse to be putting crap in your body.  

Sure you are going to gain weight, but being pregnant should motivate you to take better care of your body.  Well unfortunately, pregnancy was my excuse to finally be able to eat whatever I wanted.  I was eating for two, right? I had the mentality that after I had my baby I would deal with the weight gain, but for now give me another Twinkie!

Time went by, I had my baby and with my bad choices came consequences.  

I no longer had an excuse to weigh 230 LBS.  Sure, I lost some, but not enough.  Luckily I had my sisters who were pregnant right along side of me.  We all had babies within a two month time fame.  We would all talk about our goals to lose the weight, and how we were going to do it.  We are team of fatties who know what it takes and are so excited to share our "secrets" about exactly how we lost it.  I know if anyone has the desire, drive, and stays consistent we will show you how to get healthy RESULTS!

We discovered it was a lot HARDER to be fat than fit.

Sure, being fit means eating right and a lot of exercise, but not being able to look at yourself in the mirror is so much harder!

It hit me hard when the first pair of non pregnancy jeans I had to buy was in the plus size section.  I went to the store by myself because I had nothing to wear.  I remember not wanting to try anything on because I was so embarrassed!  I grabbed a size 17 thinking I will definitely fit in these jeans.  For hell sakes, if I jumped off a mountain there was no need for a parachute, my pants had my back!  I got home and showered and got ready for the day.I went in my room removed the tags from my jeans and put on my new UGLY pair. Well, they went up to my thighs and no matter how hard I tugged they still were not going to budge.  

This was my rock bottom!  A size 17 would not fit me.  I fell to the floor and sobbed.  What could I do?

Not only did I have high blood pressure and felt unhealthy I couldn't even fit in a size 17!  This was my reality.  I got up went to the bathroom and looked myself in the eyes.  I said out loud, "Hannah, you got yourself here, now there is only ONE WAY out......... ITS YOU!"  That was my moment I knew I had everything I needed to lose it and there was no way I was going to be fat any longer.  I knew I was lucky enough to have a good support system, determination, an understanding of what foods were good for me and what food was not and I knew how to work out and work out effectively.

I was ready to start my journey!  I got myself to 248 LBS I was going to get myself out.

That was the beginning for me.  The tears frustration and sweat did not end there.  I had no idea how hard I was going to challenge myself to get it off.

There was no quick fix, no starvation diet, no magic diet it pill, all it was was being CONSISTENT.

Being consistent meant eating healthy and working out day in and day out.  Sure, I messed up. Sure, I lacked motivation at times, however, the one thing that keeps me going 7 days a week is the pain I felt when I was overweight.  It feel good to be able to move again.  It feel good to put on my size 8 pants and look in the mirror feeling powerful.That is what motivates me to start this blog.

I am a stay at home mom, and I am addicted to the feeling of working out. 

My sisters and I want to do what we are passionate about and help everyone to live a healthy and strong life.  If I can help motivate even one person in this process, I will be happy.  I am not going to sit here and act like I know everything about the human body, but there is one thing I do know and that is how to lose weight!

So enjoy, because we are going to be that support system everyone needs to push them just a little bit further.  We will be there doing the exact workout challenges we post, and are excited to learn of any other good workouts.

Life is too short to be unhealthy, so let's get healthy and fit together!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Elise's Battle Within

Hi everyone!  My name is Elise and here is my story...

My Junior Year in high school I began starting to diet, and I actually ended up struggling with an eating disorder. Throughout my senior year I got down to 116 lbs, which for me, is not a healthy weight.  Throughout my first year of college I struggled with depression and some weight gain, but never  more than 20 to 25 lbs.  I could not figure out for the life of me how to not either starve myself or eat everything in sight.  I maintained a somewhat healthy weight until I got pregnant.  At this point, I gave myself permission to give up completely!  My foods of choice were Del Taco bean burritos, fries and basically anything that contained fat, sugar and/or salt!  I completely stopped working out and ate anything and everything I wanted and even more than I wanted.  

I would eat to punish myself for eating! It was so embarrassing to see people I knew.  I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin. 

I will never forget going shopping after and nothing fit!  I shed many tears and felt heavy and so exhausted all the time!  Not long after I had my baby I took my before picture, and that was my rock bottom!  I highly recommend taking a before picture.  I know it feels almost unbearable to think of seeing it and facing the facts, but nothing has ever motivated me more!

I will never forget my first run after all the weight gain.  I almost fell on my face, I could barely move!  I went from being an athlete to a biggest loser contestant!  I sat on the treadmill after my run (more like a walk) and broke down.   

Why the heck did I do this to myself?  What was I thinking?  I have 70 lbs to lose!  But the pity party ended soon and all out determination kicked in!!!

Nothing was going to stop me from getting out of this mess!  I began exercising like my life depended on it and cut out white flour and junk food and fueled my body with fruits, vegetables, proteins and whole grains.  I always gave myself a free day or a meal here and there, but I just kept on a chugg'n and began feeling so much more energized, even though I still had a lot of weight to lose.

Just starting, committing and knowing that I wouldn't give up, no matter what, helped me feel lighter, faster and stronger!

This time I did it the right way by eating healthy.  I never went hungry.  Whenever I was hungry, I ate.  I just ate healthy things, drank a lot of water and kicked my butt at the gym!  You can do it too! 
My sisters and I have proven that it can be done without fad diets!
All it takes is consistency, commitment and realizing how strong and awesome you really are!  Do it!  I promise you CAN, the only one stopping you is YOU!! 

Don't be afraid of it!  Don't think you aren't strong enough!  Motivation comes after action!  Just start and you will feel the benefits.  Your life will change in so many ways!   

It is so much more than just getting a nice body (although that helps).  It helps you realize how amazing you are!

It builds an inner strength.  I can't even tell you how many times, during a hard day of being a mom and feeling overwhelmed by life, I have felt like throwing in the towel and giving up, but in the back of mind I hear, "You did that workout this morning, you are strong!  You can do hard things!"  Working out gives you so much power.  It is my drug of choice.  It will change your life! 

I have tears rolling down my face as I write my story, because I have felt the pain of feeling terrible about myself.  I've felt like I was in a big hole and I would never get out.  I have gotten out and you can too!  

I have such a strong desire to help people change their lives!

I want you to find the greatest confidence, health and body of your life.  Do this challenge!  Join our blog!  We will share our workout and eating tips.  We can do this together!  Get your friends involved!  Do the challenges together or whatever works for you.  Do some bets.  My mom, sisters and I would always do bets.  We try to do 30 days straight with no junk or white flour and then we get a free weekend.  The loser would have to do or give something to the others.  Do whatever works for you.  When I'm not feeling motivated I will do Monday through Friday and then take the weekend off and have a treat.

Keep yourself comfortable in the eating.  Don't eat too little or you won't stick with it.  On the other hand, keep yourself very uncomfortable during the workouts!  :)  You can do it!  You are so much stronger than you think!  Don't give up and pretty soon you won't be able to live without it!  If this blog can change even one person's life, it will be worth it!  Let's get started!  You owe this to yourself.  So strip down and take a before picture.  Weigh yourself, let it sink in, you can cry a little if you need to, but then suck it up and go for it!  I have been from eating disorder, to yo-yo weight, to super fat and finally to a fit mind and body!  I have overcome and you can too!!!  

No more tears, just sweat, healthy food and happiness!!!