Monday, April 22, 2013

Allie Week 4 Update

This week I gave up chocolate, and it was SO HARD! Sunday I ate a lot of it because I was saying goodbye the next day, and it was a regretful going away to chocolate party, as my little binge caused me to GAIN two pounds! It is so much easier to put it on than to take it off!!! So I had to work super hard all week to just get back down to what I was last week! But I did it, and today I am down two pounds more than last week, at 182.8! A total weight loss of 13 pounds since I started four
weeks ago!

This week marked a huge milestone for me as well, as I fit into a pair of jeans I haven’t been able to wear since about seven months after I got married FOUR years ago! I was so stoked; I took a picture in my work bathroom wearing them (see selfie below) I switched buildings at work, and the walk from my car to my desk, is literally almost a mile, and included in that mile is three flights of stairs! So that’s been helping the weight come off as well, I am sure!

While the weight loss has definitely slowed, I am thrilled that it’s coming off, and I have yet to plateau (knock on wood). I feel like I am definitely working harder than ever for each pound this week, though, going to boot camp in the morning, and then exercising later in the day as well. I have to remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so while the weight fluctuates a little, it’s probably best I don’t freak out right away. In fact, maybe I should not weigh myself every day, and should stick to once a week, and have my husband hide the scale!

My mother in law is here and makes the most amazing meals every day, but they almost always include mashed potatoes mixed with heavy whipping cream, sour cream, and butter. It’s like having Paula Dean living in our house, because of how delicious every meal is! It’s so hard not to snitch her cooking all the time, but I’m on a pretty good routine, and if those potatoes are screaming my name, I do have a tiny portion. Seeing results, and having others tell me they have noticed it too is enough
motivation for me to decline anyone’s delish cooking!

Four weeks down, eight to go!


  1. Thanks for the update. You motivated me. I am starting today and following your success! Go Allie!

  2. Great job on giving up the chocolate!! That is hard!!
