Monday, April 29, 2013

Allie's Week 5

  This week was a bit discouraging, I can’t deny it! I GAINED FOUR pounds! I couldn’t figure out how this happened! Well, I know how SOME of it happened, but not FOUR pounds worth!  Last Sunday, we attended our friend’s baby’s birthday party, which was filled with hot dogs, burgers, cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, chips, and all the fatty goods, and I went to town on the cupcakes and hot dogs! I thought “I’m doing so great, cheating one meal is not going to hurt me”. Boy, was I wrong! I didn’t even know my stomach could hold as much food as I ate! I had THREE cupcakes, two hot dogs w/white buns, way too many potato chips, and whatever sugar filled drink they were serving!
The next morning, I stepped on the scale and weighed 185!! I felt so guilty, I decided that all this week I was going to do two a day workouts! Tuesday, Mother Nature came calling, and I felt crappy and bloated. Come Wednesday, I weighed myself again, and weighed almost 187! I couldn’t believe this! I had been busting my butt the past two days and gained two more pounds!!
I vented to Hannah, because I couldn’t figure out WHAT was going on! She almost immediately asked me if I had received my monthly gift, to which, I replied “YES!” She then told me that she gains about five pounds temporarily when she starts too, so this made me feel a tad better, but still couldn’t believe that I was retaining all of that water. Then I checked MyFitnessPal, which I’ve been using to count calories. I did a glance back at my nutrition for the week and found that I was eating A TON OF SODIUM, which also makes you retain water. Today, I am back down to 184, 1.8 lbs MORE than last week, but I am still enjoying my monthly gift, and am hoping that next week will be a huge success!
  I did have one victory this week: I had yet another pair of pants I haven’t been able to wear in years button up! (Capris). They are size 11 and I am very happy about this! Since I started losing weight, about six months ago, I have gone from a size 15\16 to an 11\12.
My tips for the week:
watch your sodium/salt intake!
Remember it doesn’t happen over night
When you fall off the wagon one day, it doesn’t mean it’s over!

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