Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Janelle's 3 Week Update!

Here is Janelle's 3 week update.  We put it up once, but for some reason it got erased, so here it is again.
Janelle we love you!  You are amazing and so inspiring!  We are with you all the way and are so excited about your life transformation.  Go Janelle!

 Strength- Just wanted to update everybody and share with you some of the excitement and struggles I have had this week! I am 19 days into my 12 week challenge! I am down 9.1 lbs and feeling so good!!! I have had a super stressful work week. I don't often experience the level of stress I have dealt with this week facing some really hard trials. Tuesday was an especially hard day for me. Driving home from work I felt like getting in big baggy sweat pants, eating some chocolate and snuggling up in my love sack to flip through channels and sulk in the stress of my day. But instead I got home put on workout pants and running shoes and drove to the gym to do my week 3 day 2 workout with my girl Stevie. It was a choice and I am so glad I made the right one. Throughout my workout I felt my mind clear and I felt a strength fill me as I accomplished each challenge. I walked out of the gym that day not only feeling stronger physically but emotionally I felt like "I got this." Wednesday I went to the gym to do my workout and again felt a clarity come over me. I have felt such a strength this week come into my life from each workout! I don't even know what I would have done or how I would have gotten through this week without this challenge!
Ouch- 19 days into this challenge I still feel the soreness of every workout. At the beginning I couldn't even barely move but fought through the pain each day to accomplish the challenges in the day to day workouts. It has been awesome to feel the pain but not let it weaken me. In the past if I did a workout that makes me sore I would take a few days off to recover but not with this challenge. I am letting nothing stop me not even sore muscles! But I am so much stronger than I was 19 days ago! That soreness is becoming less and less as I get stronger. I LOVE feeling like I am getting stronger, faster, and better at these physical challenges everyday.
Needing more than calories- One of the biggest challenges so far for me and and especially this week is learning how to eat. As part of this challenge I made a goal to stay within a certain calorie count. I thought that kind of covered it! Based on my past experience and the numerous diets I have tried in the past I had that misconception that its a all about calories! But I have quickly learned these last few weeks that my body is in need of more than just a calorie amount. I can feel that my body needs protein and carbs and I find myself feeling not necessarily hungry but weak at some points throughout the day. So after chatting with Elise I am making some changes in my diet this next week. What to eat, when to eat it, this I feel will really assist me in figuring out the needs of my body so that I always have strength and energy but am also still loosing weight. So next week I will give you an update on that!
I'm so excited you guys!! I am so ready to be heathly and so excited to be feeling this confidence coming back into my life!! Boot camp classes start this next week, and I am counting down the days! See you all there!!! -Janelle

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