Monday, April 8, 2013

Nicole is bringing it!

Nicole's Update

So I started the Week weighing 229.8 I was super excited to start this journey and also super nervous! I did all the workouts (except Saturday since I couldn't move I was so sore) I was really proud of myself for doing what I was able to do! I never thought I could do as well as I did on my workouts I guess all I had to change was my attitude (and put ALL of me on the internet :) ) 

Its so awesome being in this community with everyone supporting me! I have felt so much love and support it drives me so I don't let you all down or myself! I have found I love going to the gym.. its an hour or two thats about me! (for those of you who know me this is super hard for me to do) But its amazing!

My eating went well I don't usually eat as much as I have been this week so that's been different but good! I have added new snacks to my life which has been awesome! I learned that string cheese can stay out of the fridge for 7 hours (thanks Elise for that tip) so that's been really great and easy to do!

I have had lots of victories this week but the one I was proud of was doing a 5k I have NEVER done 3.1 miles straight EVER! And I did it and I lived! Go figure :) I am SUPER addicted to the facebook site and blog I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing how we all support each other!

My struggles this week have been I haven't been weighing everyday so that's hard for me! I have had FAT days (where I feel like I am super fat and nothing looks good) but then I go to the gym and all of a sudden I feel awesome! GO FIGURE! :) 

I weighed this morning (Sunday)....Im thinking of switching my weigh days to Monday but anyway I weighed in at 229.2 ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?! ONLY .6 pounds this week! I worked my butt off and didn't lose 10 pounds?!?...ok so that was my original thought then I found my measuring tape and decided since my clothes were fitting kinda baggy to measure and sure enough (if I did it right) I have lost 2.5 inches on my butt/hips and 1.5 on waist and 1 on my arms!! That's good with me something is happening!! The hard work is paying off! :) Best of all is I feel good! -Nicole

Nicole we love all your comments and your enthusiasm!  Your motivation is contagious.  Keep up all your hard work.  You are going to inspire so many people.  I can't believe how many inches you have lost alreadyBE PROUD, BE HAPPY AND KNOW YOU AREN'T ALONE THROUGH THIS JOURNEY!


  1. You're rockin it Nicole! Keep it up! The way I make sure to weigh myself everyday is I do it at the same time every single day. So for me the easiest time is right when I get up in the morning to go to the bathroom I step on the scale. This way its the same time of day so I know the weight comparison from day to day is accurate. You've got this! :)

  2. And remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so even if your weight isn't changing yet, just as you found, you are losing that fat and inches and building muscle!
