Thursday, April 18, 2013

Nicole's Journey to Her New Life!

Nicole's journey to her new life

Before Weight 318lbs Goal Weight 180lbs.

Nicole King is ready to change. she has been through so many struggles in her life and she is taking control of her health.  We are so excited to be right by her side throughout her journey to a new way of life! This is the first step to her new beginning!We will keep you updated and show you her progress. Watch and cheer her on throughout her amazing transformation! You can do this Nicole!

Here is her story...

I guess weight has always been a bit of an issue but since having children it has been even worse!!  You would think after having kids and chasing them around it wouldn’t be an issue!    I have had my battles…I have never been super skinny, always a little above average.  But lately, things have just gotten worse and worse…I have never been this heavy and although I don’t feel fat (which is strange to me) I have often thought why does my brain not think I am fat?  Why, can’t I just feel fat so I would do something about it!
Well, I finally hit the point of I really need to do something about my weight and my health!  It a few Saturdays ago when I was on an activity, with my daughter and the youth in the stake, we had to walk from the Conference to the Salt Palace which is about 1.5 blocks in Salt Lake and I thought “I am going to die!!”  Seriously, my legs hurt, I was out of breathe!  What the heck was my problem…I brought up the rear of the line and was about 15 min behind everyone. I lost my daughter she was walking with her friends. (Don’t fear she found me later).  I felt so horrible about me and how could I embarrass her so bad by being so slow.  Then my son asked me to go on his field trip with him they would be walking a lot and I thought to myself “how can you do that? “ he was so upset that I wouldn’t go with him.  I just couldn’t do that to him.
I went to put my pants on size 26 and they don’t fit!  They are snug not a little but a lot! I have cute clothes in my closet I can’t fit into!  I see all these Chevron patterned clothes and I would love to wear something like that but they don’t sale them big enough to fit me!  That hurt! 
I can’t bend over and put my shoes on!  I run out of breathe doing the simplest tasks.  I can’t up and down my stairs at home and I am out of breath after 2 times!  I really need to get in shape and get things going so that I can feel better about myself and so my kids aren’t embarrassed to be seen with me…and when I see a picture of myself I don’t break down in tears!!
So here I am working on my weight and my health!  So I can make myself proud and my children!! Heck even, those future grandchildren that will come in many, many, many years!!!  I am doing this for husband who has had faith me when I didn’t have it in myself! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nicole you can totally do this! You are such a strong woman! I am proud of you!!I am here for you if you need anything!!

  3. Do it Nicole! Imagine how much better you will feel. You can do this!
