Saturday, April 27, 2013

Staci is Ready!


We are excited to introduce Staci to the our team!  She is motivated and ready to change her life.  We want to be there for her and cheer her on.  So take time to read her heart-wrenching story and give her the support she needs! 

Staci you are strong and beautiful!  We will be there for you all the way as you change your life for good. 

Upper Arms 14 1/2 In.
Thighs 26 in.
Chest 42 in.
Hips 45 1/2 In.
Waist 38 In.
Current Weight 199.6 lbs

As long as I can remember I have been overweight.  Being overweight my whole life has not only taken its toll physically, but emotionally as well.  I have grown up to think that I am fat, ugly, and therefore not good for nothing.  My self-esteem has always been low.

Being a child and overweight was not an easy combination.  Kids can be rotten and I was a bullied kid. I can remember times when I would go to church and the kids in my class would say remarks like "she is fat" or say something about how my clothes fit.  It got so bad that I started to hate going to church because all that was happening was me getting pushed up against the wall with rude comments and nasty remarks about how big I was, how uncute I was, and that made me feel like, not only was I not cute, but also I was not smart.

We would have church functions where we would have dinners or other activities with food and I would never eat there because I felt so self conscious.  I was so afraid that somebody would point out to me that that was the reason why I was fat.  Even today I struggle with eating at social settings because I am so afraid of being humiliated.

My mom put me in dance when I was younger and I danced all the way up till I was 18 with only a few breaks in between.  I am so grateful for that activity because it kept me from being even more overweight. Although being an overweight dancer was just as hard as being in elementary school with all the bullies. Except this time I'd hear it from the dance instructors.  I went from studio to studio because they would make a big deal about accommodating to my needs.  I did eventually find a studio that I stuck with for 5 years that made feel like I could actually be a dancer.   Even with this great studio I would cry after rehearsals because they'd have to make me special sized costumes or I was never gonna get on pointe because I was to overweight.  The worst was when I told people I danced they had this look on their face like "you? dance? how could that be." This only added more to my already emotional roller coaster.

When I reached Jr. High age I tried some unhealthy ways to lose weight.  For months I stopped eating all together except 1 meal a day.  I began to make myself throw up or take laxatives.  I so longed to be skinny and I was willing to get that by any means.  Except the healthy way.  I was put into therapy and was sent to a nutritionist.  I began to understand why that was so unhealthy and from there I began my diet plan after diet plan never succeeding and only making myself feel worse everytime I failed.

I started smoking when I was very young. There came a point when I knew I needed to quit, so when I was 18 years old I quit cold turkey.  That was when I packed on the weight.  I gained 50 pounds.  It felt like it was overnight.  I stopped looking at myself in the mirror because I felt so disgusting.  I never went on dates and I never thought I would be good enough for any boy.

Because I kept trying diet after diet, I gained and lost and gained and lost but never reaching my average goal weight.   I weigh 200 lbs and I refuse to ever weigh over 200 again. I am ready to change my life forever. I still struggle with my self image and I still feel like most people see me as overweight and not cute.  I am very discouraged after trying diet plan after diet plan with no success.   I want to change that.  I want to be healthy, fit, and feel good about myself.  So not only am I going to change my physical form but I am going to strengthen myself emotionally. Because no matter what people say or what they look like we are special and we all have strengths in this world. And I know I can do anything I put my mind to. Thanks to the 3fat2fit sisters, this program has given me lots of motivation to finally acheive my life long goal.


  1. Oh Staci, I had no idea what had happened to you in the past! You may know me as a librarian that runs, but I used to be 85 pounds overweight, was bulimic in my 20s and all in all a very miserable girl and woman. Even after losing weight I do still struggle with my body image. You had always seemed so positive to me and I never would have known you had those thoughts.
    Just know that I support you fully and am excited for you on this journey. It will be tough in MANY ways, but you are a strong woman and can do this. *hug*

  2. STaci, you are the bomb! I love you! I'm proud of you for doing this. Being overweight myself, I'm looking to you for the courage to know I can do hard things if you can!! Let me know how I can help Staci. Love you!

  3. Welcome to the 3fat2fitsisters family! You have been through so much I'm sorry for that but what an inspiration you are! You can do anything and you deserve this so much! Just remember that!

  4. Staci we are cheeromg you on and will be here for you all throughout your journey. You've got this! <3 Elise

  5. Staci we are cheeromg you on and will be here for you all throughout your journey. You've got this! <3 Elise

  6. Thank you all!! Im gonna need the support :)
