Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Nicole King week 2 Update

 Well, this week was a good week over all when today I was able to put on a pair of jeans I haven't been able to wear in over 6 months!!  I did a happy dance!!

I am still drinking water with lemons and limes...no soda since I have started my weight loss journey. Which is a huge accomplishment from someone who would have had Dr. Pepper IV'd into my bloodstream if it were possible! 
I have taken the stairs at work mind you my office is on the 4th floor...so most days I take them once am starting to take them twice a day...and both can I tell I have so much more to do before I can go up them without feeling like my heart is going to jump out of my chest! 
I have been watching what I eat and trying to eat smaller portions and following the advice of chewing more and eating slower....I have also been munching on carrots and celery...I have changed from white bread to wheat bread....eating more salads with no dressing....
It has been great! I am working on getting more active and walking more, but after a 10 hr day away from home it is so hard to pull my self away from the kids! But, I need to start just going for at least 30 min or I may be pulled away for permanently longer if I don't!
Our local gym is strange you pay for a month but it doesn't go from when you buy it to 30 day later it is a calendar month so when May starts I am getting a membership and I want to become as addicted to working out as I was to my DP!! 
I am down to 314! Not much in weight but I can feel it when I put on my clothes!

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