Monday, April 15, 2013

Allie's 3 Week Update

Down 11lbs in 3 weeks!!

Allie Bryant hard work, and dedication to the 12 week challenge is paying off!  Her results are astounding! In just 3 weeks she has lost 11 pounds.  We are so proud of her and can't wait to share her weekly update.  This is what HARD WORK looks like!

                                         Week 3 Update

This week was crazy tempting as my work was transitioning to a new building and they kept bringing us food every day! Gourmet frosted doughnuts, Café Rio, Pie,Pizza, assorted candy and chips, and unlimited soda! SURROUNDING ME! Everything I Just named is a group of food I would have eaten in a heartbeat before I started this journey to change my life!

So, trucking into work every day with my healthy wraps, Greek yogurt, string cheese, carrots, and watermelon, my co-workers offered me their condolences, asking if they could have my portion of the junk food (YES PLEASE, GET THIS OUT OF MY SIGHT!!!), but SOME jumped on board with me saying that I had inspired them with how dedicated I have been to this process, and that made the world of difference in keeping me motivated!

My biggest success this week was, by far, resisting the CONSTANT TEMPTATION!  However, I have been snitching chocolate, maxing out my 200 calories on whites/junk pretty much every week, aside from week one, SO, I have made a goal for
myself for week 4 and beyond, to ELIMINATE ALL CANDY! I AM seeing results, BUT I could be seeing better ones. 80% diet people! I am quitting chocolate cold turkey! It’s literally an addiction for me, and honestly, I understand and empathize
with people who struggle with quitting smoking, caffeine, etc so much more going through this!

I also got an iPhone this week (thanks husband), and downloaded My Fitness Pal, and found that I’m eating too many calories for my goal! SO, I am altering my 5 pt plan slightly, to lower my calories from 1500 to 1200 a day! Hopefully this makes a difference as well.

All of that said, I am down 11 pounds this week, day 20! A third of the way there!!! I was so happy to participate in the boot camp yesterday TWICE with my fellow “fat” sistas ;) and we’re all so excited and motivated to do this together. It was truly inspiring meeting these girls who have also shared their story, and are in the
same boat as I am AT THE SAME TIME (Nicole, Chelsea, and Janelle). You girls are amazing and I’m so happy we’re doing this together! I am absolutely DEAD today and feel like I worked every muscle in my body, discovering ones I didn’t know I had, and I LOVE IT!!! Bring on week 4!

Allie’s snacking tip for the week:

*EAT as soon as you can after your workout, NOT a full fledged binge, just something packed with protein, low in fat. I usually have a Greek yogurt, and a string cheese, or banana, dipping it in the yogurt, and it’s delicious and healthy, AND it has prevented me from feeling like my stomach is going to eat itself from hunger after working out!

*Remember that diet accounts for 80% of weight loss! So while we may be surrounded by temptation, ask yourself if it is worth all the physical activity, sweat, and work you are putting in to be THROWN AWAY because ‘Dang that looks good!’.  Think, ‘Dang that looks good, but Dang, I will look and feel AMAZING, by eating something healthier!’


  1. Way to go Allie...this is awesome.

  2. Allie, Wow! Way to go! Love your results and story.

  3. It's motivating to see you can make a difference in just three weeks. Keep it up. I'm so happy for you.
