Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tasty Tuesday!

Tasty Tuesday

We are excited to announce our new theme days.  We will have daily post that will help all of us on our journey to get fit together!  Here are our daily themes. :)

Motivational Monday
Tasty Tuesday
Work it Wednesday
Tips Thursday
Fit Friday
Story Time Saturday
Shake it Sunday.

We've been getting a lot of questions about all kinds of things pertaining to healthy snack ideas and healthy meals.  We are going to share one of our favorite snack ideas! This snack is packed full of nutrients and very tasty!

Click each of the link to find out more info about the benefits of chia seeds, wheat germ, flax seed, and Psyllium Husks Powder.
Add a few spoonfulls of cottage cheese to about 3/4 cup vanilla honey greek yogurt.  Then add about 1/4 cup of granola and mix everything together.

The next four ingredients will pack the snack full of nutrients. We recommend you  add at least one or all or them.

 1 tsp. Chia Seeds

Add 1 tsp. Wheat Germ

1 tsp. ground Flaxseed
1 tsp. Psyllium Husks Powder


Mix all together and use as a extremely nutritious fruit dip.  Enjoy your yummy snack!  

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