Tuesday, April 30, 2013

 This week I had some fails, but it's a good thing my accomplishments out weigh the fails! The thing people need to remember (including myself) is that it's ok to mess up. You are going to! You just need to learn how to get back on track. I recommend not waiting until Monday, do it right away. I find it easier to forgive yourself right away and get back to doing good sooner rather than later. If you wait until later you will just get more angry with yourself. Well at least I do :)
I do better eating on the weekdays then the weekends. I get bored and I justify it. This next week I am going to try doing better during the weekends. Last week I had to text Elise to "babysit"me. I was eating and feeling like Crap. So I confessed to her and she helped me forgive myself and move on. I did do better the next day. I had a few slip ups this week so the scale is standing still. I'm really struggling with that. But I'm still going forward.
At bootcamp on Friday with the sisters I ran a 5k on the treadmill in 30 min. That same night I ran a 5k in eagle mountain in 29.30 minutes. I have never done this before! I was wanting my husband to be like "wow!" Once I finished he was like "wow wow!" (Not his words lol but he said something close to that :)) I was so proud of myself. I know it was no marathon but I felt like a runner. And it felt so good!
I continue to be "coke" free and it feels good. I am not craving it. Yay!
I just want to say thanks to my amazing husband Austin for all the support and love he has been showing me. It has been so fun doing this with him. He has come such a long way this last year. In fact he just ran his first half marathon this morning. Good job babe! And to my friends who have been doing this with me Katelan, Sharlee, Nicole and Staci I am so proud of all of you girls! It has been great that we all have each other. It helps so much to have support from each other. I also appreciate the support of Elise, Hannah and Jess. I wouldn't have even started this journey without your stories and you guys reaching out to us. I needed you girls in my life at that moment! Monday, Wednesday and Fridays are by favorite days of the week because of bootcamp. I think they are so fun and go by do fast! I am inviting you all to come try it out. Elise, Hannah and Jess are so encouraging and loving!  I am sounding really cheesy lol and it sounds like I just won an award but honestly I feel like I have. I won confidence and ambition back!
Well wish me luck for this next week! Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Look at you! You even look like an athlete in this picture. Keep up the good work. You are motivating me.
