Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Allie's Week 7 Update

EMOTIONAL is the best way to describe this week. I did not lose any weight, and in fact, went up two pounds! I know that we all struggle with this issue, but it doesn’t make it easier! I feel like I have worked my butt off, and my body is just stuck! I feel defeated, and emotionally drained, as I’ve been killing myself every day with crazy workouts with no numbers to show for it. It’s times like these; I have to think about what Janelle said in her last update that we have to remember all of the benefits of this lifestyle change, even if we can’t see it on a scale. It’s just so hard to reach my half way point, and then feel like I have taken a step back.

  That said, I have made an appointment with my doctor to be sure my metabolism is where it should be, as I have had thyroid issues in the last few years, and need to be sure it’s not off again. Honestly, I may be disappointed if everything comes back fine, as I search for answers as to why this is happening.
  I have to remember my victories too, though, and this week, while my weight’s been a bit of a struggle, I was able to button up a pair of shorts I bought a few years ago as my “goal” shorts, and took a picture in them, because I was so happy! I am going to the beach in a few weeks, and I can’t wait to wear them over my bathing suit and wade in the ocean!
  I am grateful for all of the support, while I am experiencing a hurdle right now, I know that my support group will help me push beyond this and succeed! 

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