Friday, May 10, 2013

Week 7 Day 6

Black Eyed Peas

One more workout for the week!  Give it your all and let's BRING IT!

WARM UP:  5-10 MIN
Cardio- use the stairclimber or elliptical.  Let's take a break from the treadmill!

Cardio Circuit
10 Min stairclimber or elliptical
Repeat circuit 3X's

Weights-  Focus on weights today!  We have been doing a lot of cardio, so now is time focus on weights, and get you some of those buns of steal you have always wanted:)


25 Squats with dumbbells
30 sec - 1 min Bosu lateral shuffle (if you don't have a bosu, use a regular bench)
10 on each leg Dumbbell step ups
1 min Wall sits


15 lat pull downs
20 Hamstring Curls
1 min planks
10 on each arm dumbbell rows


1 min mountain climbers
10-15 inverted Rows
1 min super mans

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