Thursday, May 16, 2013

Chelsea Week 6 & 7 Update

I have been thinking and I hate the fact that I have made food a social aspect rather then a health aspect! It is so hard to reverse it. Some days I feel like I have it down and other days its like sure ill put that cake in my mouth that you just stuck in my face! I know I am no where near where I need to be if I am still having these thoughts. Its a constant struggle that I am trying to over come. I have lost a total of 6 pounds. I feel like a brat when I say ONLY 6 pounds! 

But that is how I feel. I know how hard I am working out why is it not moving? I know I tell myself each week the scale does not matter but my mind keeps going to the scale! I hate it! My problem is I lose and then tell myself I can eat something (bad) because I lost some weight. I need to get that mind set out of my head because obliviously its not working and never has worked. So This week I am not going to weigh myself. I will have Jessica weigh me on Friday and be surprised either way :) 

I am feeling great physically! And I LOVE THAT! I ran almost 4 miles the other day and it felt like nothing! I am starting to love running! I am starting to tone up and it makes me feel good. It amazed me how much more energy and faster you become by the treadmill training that we do with the sisters. Its great! 

Its time I put my head in the game fully and give it my all. I know I can do it! Now I just need to believe it ;)

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