Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week 9 Day 1

Bullet Proof
La Roux
(Click here to listen)
The more we see how capable we really are, the more we will begin to see our true worth.  We will begin to love ourselves enough that what others think won't hurt us.  We will be "Bullet Proof."  And when we have this love for ourselves, our love for others will grow too. 

Our potential is found in the day to day commitment we make to hard work.
So, let's get to today's hard work! Ready? Here we go!!!
Today we've got another intense treadmill run, with a lot of speed intervals and a few hills.  This run is going to be one of the fastest you've done yet.  Make sure to drink a lot of water and listen to your body.  Push yourself hard, but don't over do it.  Now go to it!

5 to 10 min warm up

Do the following for 30 sec each:

1- Base
2- .2 above base
3- .4 above base
4- .6 above base
5- .8 above base
6- 1.0 above base
7- 1.5 above base
8- 2.0 above base
9- 2.5 above base
10- 3.0 above base

Back to base for 2 min.

Do the following for 30 sec each:

1- 3.0 above base
2- 2.5 above base
3- 2.0 above base
4- 1.5 above base
5- 1.0 above base
6- .8 above base
7- .6 above base
8- .4 above base
9- .2 above base
10- base

Base for 2 min.

Do the following for 1 min each:

1- .5 above base
2- 1.0 above base
3- 5% incline on base
4- 10% incline on base
5- base
6- 1.5 above base
7- 2.0 above base
8- base
9- 10% incline on base
10- 15% incline on base

Back to base for 2 min.

Do the following 10 times for 45 sec. with a 15 sec rest between each:

1- 2.0 to 3.0 above base
(So, these should be 10, 45 sec sprints.  You should be pushing yourself to go as fast as you possibly can for 45 sec. with only a 15 sec. rest inbetween each sprint.)

Back to base for 2 min.

Cool down and stretch.  You are ALL DONE!!!  You did it! That was extremely tough!  You are getting stronger every day.  Good Job!  Now go fuel your body today with good food and a lot of water! 

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