Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Nicole Young Week 5 Update

Well this week was better but harder. I started out the week on a unexpected trip to St George for a funeral which meant no gym on Monday ( I did however exercise a little down there) then on Friday we left for a vacation.. let me tell you vacations are hard! So fun but hard to find the time to exercise and eat healthy! I did however eat healthy for the most part so I was proud of myself for that! I did exercise 1 day and made a point to move a lot the others! 

I am now down a total of 4.4 pounds since starting this challenge! I know my body is starting to work like its supposed to! I went to the doctor and found out everything looks good! I have "marvelous" blood pressure which was awesome to hear and they think my Vitamin B-12 is low so we are waiting for those results!

All in all this week was good but i didn't get to the gym like I would have liked! This week will be awesome and I am going to kill it! Even with an injury still! I will not give up! I CAN do this!

I have found the workout bug and I LOVE it!! I have worked through more emotional stuff which has been holding me back! I'm so grateful to have this community to support me! We are here for each other and I love knowing that! Love you all keep moving keep happy!!

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