Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Nancy Week 7 Update

Week 1: 194.4lbs
Week 7: 181.4
Total Inches Lost: 10.5"
I've been feeling so great as I keep working out. I can't believe I've actually stayed consistent with my workouts for about TWO WHOLE MONTHS now. This is big for me and I love the feeling of being strong and CONSISTENT again. Even though I have not been able to work out every day of every week like I would like to, I still manage to get at least 3 days of good, hard workouts in, and that's all I can ask for. Even with those 3 days a week, I am seeing results! I keep losing inches and pounds. My pants that I bought right before I started working out are baggy and I think I'm going to have to go shopping again! Other good news is that I can fit into my old skirts and shorts, so that makes me a very happy lady, especially for the summer!! I can now wear shirts without feeling like I have to cover up with a cardigan or a jacket. I love feeling more toned in my arms, legs, and face, and being able to walk around and not fear about how I look.
I feel like I've been doing pretty good with my eating, but there are days when I feel a need for salt! I do my best to not snack on junk food but I don't know if I just don't get enough sodium in the day or what! I usually try to make up for that with cheese though and not chips or crackers. I've been really good about the fruits and veggies. My FAVORITE after workout snack is an apple and chunky peanut butter. I've been pretty good about avoiding the sugars/candy/chocolate/desserts, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I just take a small bite of Sunday dessert each week! What's amazing, though, is that I don't even want that stuff anymore! I tried eating my sister-in-law's delicious german chocolate cake last night and I barely made it past bite 2.5!
A few weeks ago, I got a bacterial infection and my face broke out in such severe acne, I didn't think I could ever face anybody I knew ever again. Along with being overweight my whole life, I've hated seeing my fat face covered in acne. The thing that got me through this these last few weeks has been knowing that my face still looked good because it wasn't fat anymore. It may still be red, but I actually felt PRETTY despite my acne because I knew I was losing weight, that I was in shape, and that my face still looked Healthy. THAT is what working out and eating right does for you. I'm still working on my skin, and it may never be perfect, but honestly, having that feeling of self-worth from making the right choices for my body has made the whole difference in living with acne.
I feel like I'm not exactly where I'd like to be, or where I projected myself to be after my first week of weight loss. However, I am just happy to NOT be where I was and that I even have any results! My 12 weeks are almost up, but I'm not going to stop at 12 weeks. This is a new way of life. It takes 21 days to start a habit. I'd say after 7 weeks, I've got that habit down. I want this to be my life always!

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