Monday, May 20, 2013

Allie's Week 8 Update!


That’s the best way to describe this week! Last week was pretty discouraging as I was at my halfway point and then ended up gaining two pounds, and then this week, another two pounds, but it ended up coming back off by the end of the week. So, with that said, I have come the conclusion that I am NOT going to weigh myself this week. I am having my husband hide the scale, and it may drive me nuts, but my obsession with my weight is unhealthy!
  I sought out some advice from a good friend I go walking with, who is a personal trainer, and she was nice enough to listen to me vent the majority of our walk. About three quarters of the way through our chat, she stopped and said “Let me ask you something. How do you FEEL, and what are you trying to get out of this?” That really made me think. I stopped and then said “Well, of course I want to be healthy, and I feel way better than I did even a few weeks ago, but it’s just so frustrating to feel like my body doesn't want to push anymore.” She then said something that I've been thinking about ever since, and that is this

Remember how this change makes you feel, and as long as you feel healthy and are comfortable in your skin, the number on the scale is just a number.” So I am really going to try to stress less about my actual weight, and more on continuing to make healthy eating choices.
  With Whitney’s words of wisdom, I felt confident to go shopping with my husband, because I’ve been dying to get some summer clothes, as last summer I was about 30 pounds heavier, and nothing fit (yay!). We went to the Buckle first, and the salesperson immediately greeted us and asked what size I was so she could start pulling every pair or shorts in the store, and I really didn’t know! She grabbed everything from a 29-33, and to my surprise, I was able to wear, comfortably, a size 29! While I still didn’t buy them, because they cost more than a week of groceries, it was very gratifying to know that this hard work has truly paid off!
  Later that night, I took my week 8 progress photos and couldn’t’ believe who I was looking at was actually me! I have definition in my abs, which I thought was impossible to achieve after having a c-section!
  Bottom line, I feel great, and I cannot deny the changes I’ve seen in my body. So while the scale may not have been my best friend this week, I am perfectly okay with that, and I am excited for the weeks to come! 

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