Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Janelle 6 Week Update!

After week SIX I decided to do my measurements for the first time so I thought I would share! 

Leaving me with a total of 17.5 inches lost :)

I am half way through my 12 week challenge and I am stoked at my results. Not just the visible results of loosing 17.5 inches but all the other results I have experienced so far.  I have had weeks though out this journey that I've lost a lot and others I've lost only a little or none.  On the hard weeks I have found that I'm really having to remind myself to look at the victories day to day and the benefits of this lifestyle that are changing me inside and out even if I cant see them on a scale. I feel that the small victories sometimes actually out way the big, at least for me and making sure I'm giving myself the credit I deserve is really important so I don't get discouraged. Cause the old Janelle after a bad week would have been hard on myself and let the voices of discouragement and procrastination take over and give up.  But not the new Janelle, not the Janelle that is running 5ks in under 40 minutes and is able to do the stair master for an hour!  No way, not anymore!  Discouragement I have decided will have no power here. Good week or bad I will from here on out remind myself of every victory!   I not only look better but I feel better, I sleep better, I have more energy, I feel more confident and I feel super strong. 

Reaching half way I decided to sit down and really go over what it is I would like to achieve in the next 6 weeks.  My goal is to loose a total of 40lbs I am almost half way there.  I realize that just like the 3fat2fitsisters always say it is only me standing in my way!  So I am recommitting and giving it 100% this second half! I have done great so far breaking bad habits and changing so much about my diet and activeness.   But I know I can do better!  So I decided to sit down and start from the beginning again, I went back to the 3fat2fitsisters blog page the one about making a 5 point plan and I redid my plan based on the past six weeks and what I feel I need to improve on for these next 6 weeks.  So here is my new plan :)

-Eat no more than 1200 cal per day
-Write everything I eat down
-Exercise at least 90 min a day
-No eating after 7 PM
-Drink at least 10 cups of water per day
-No second helpings
-SEE every VICTORY day to day, even the ones that dont show up on the scale

My life is changing!  I knew before I started that my life was meant to be more and I feel that it has already and is becoming so much more!  So grateful for the changes I am making to be healthier!! Grateful for all of you!  Remember the small victorys everyday and give yourself the credit you deserve!!! 

 LIGHT AND LOVE everybody!  Thanks for all your inspiration and encouragement! -Janelle


  1. I am so dang proud of you! I'm so happy for you also!! Love you girl thanks for being and inspiration to me!

  2. your seriously so incredible. this is amazing. im way proud of you nano face. i love you! lets go get a drink real soon! :)
    your an inspiration to us all!!
