Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Staci Week 2 Update

Well, I've been doing the workouts for the past month but this last week was the first week I tried really hard to add in a good healthy diet. As of this morning I lost 5 lbs since last week. So I am feeling pretty good. It continues to motivate me. I think overall I remembered what I was working for when those little temptations came my way of going out for ice cream, going out for dinner, or just munching on unhealthy treats. 
I just started a job that has crazy hours and gets me working a lot. It has been hard for me to choose to work out. But one morning I was so tired I felt like I was just going to pass out. When my sisters helped me to decide to go for a run. After the run I seriously felt like I had so much more energy and I didn't feel so tired after. I tried really hard to make time for my workouts after that. Even though by the end of the week I felt so beat with working and upping my working out I have never felt better physically or about myself.  I have NEVER ever been able to run a mile straight in my life. And I am able to do that now. There was never a time you would see my sprinting point on the treadmill be at a 6.0 but I can do that now. Just seeing my results and how far I have come in just a few weeks it amazes me!
Emotionally I have tried really hard to keep encouraging thoughts by telling myself I am beautiful and that I can do hard things. I really feel like this week I have gotten quite a few compliments and even though it is so hard for me to believe that I can actually be beautiful, I can see the sincerity in their eyes and know they are telling me the truth.  I know that this is going to be a hard journey and my first week of making good healthy decisions is over. And even if I make mistakes I know that its "not the bowl of ice cream that makes me fat its the bowl of ice cream day after day" as the 3 sisters always put it! 
I look forward to week 2's failures and triumphs and seeing my growth by the end of that week! WE CAN DO HARD THINGS, if we  allow ourselves to!


  1. That's so awesome Staci! Keep up the good work! I am the worst about giving into temptations when people bring all sorts of goodies to my work. I just tell myself to wait a little bit and see if I still really want it. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. lol

  2. Staci you are beautiful inside and out never forget that!!! You are an amazing person that can do anything she sets her mind to!! So happy for you and all you've accomplished so far and will in the coming weeks!!! Love ya :) Paula
