Tuesday, May 7, 2013

week 7 Day 3

Gonna Make You Sweat

It is Wednesday, which means we will be doing an at home workout.  For this workout you will need a deck of cards, a chair, a set of stairs and your own body weight.  Who is ready to have some fun and sweat!  Here we go!

This is how it works:

Shuffle a deck of cards and go through all 52 cards doing the following exercises as you draw a card:

Queens: 30 Seconds High Knees 

Jacks: 30 Seconds Mountain Climbers

10s: 10-15 Push Ups

9s: 10-15 Tricep Dips (on Chair)

8s: 10-20 Russian Twists 

7s: 10-20 Circle Crunches (on each side)

6s: 30 Sec. Ski Abs

5s: 30 sec. 1 Minute Wall Sits

4s: 25- 50 Squats (with or without jumping)

3s: 30 Sec. Jumping Jacks

2s: Run/walk up and down your stairs 2X

As: 15-30 second Plank Pose

You Did It!! Nice Job!! I hope you are Sweating!  Make sure you eat good and drink plenty of water today. :)

Reference Guide


Russian Twist ( with or without medicine ball)
Push Ups
Jumping jacks
Plank Pose

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