Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Week 8 Day 4

Demi Lovato
(click Here to listen)


Today we are going to work Back, shoulders and Chest. Let's do a little run first though, shall we? Here we go jump on your treadmill for a 30 minute run. 

Warm up to base pace for 5-10 Minutes

Do the following for 1 minute each:
1).5 above base
3) 1.0 above base
4) base
5) 1.5 base
6) base
7) 2.0 above base
8) base
9) 2.0 above base 
10) base

Do the following for 30 Seconds each:
2) .1 above base
3) .2 above base
4) .3 above base
5) .4 above base
6) .6 above base
7) .7 above base
8) .8 above base 
9) .9 above base 
10) 1.0 above base

Do the following for 30 seconds each:
1) 1.0 above base
2) 1.1 above base
3) 1.2 above base
4) 1.3 above base
5) 1.4 above base

Return to base for 2 minutes

Do the following for 15 seconds each:
1) 1.5 above base
2) 1.6 above base
3) 1.7 above base
4) 1.8 above base 
5) 1.9 above base 
6) 2.0 above base

Return to base for 1 minute
Cool Down 5-10 minutes

Great Job! Now let's head to the weight room and bring it!!

Circuit 1:
20  Barbell Rows
20 Lat pull downs
20 Standing cable flies
30 sec.-1 min. plank pose

Circuit 2:
20 Dumbbell bench press
20 upper back dumbbell rows
20 Front raises 
20 lateral raises

Circuit 3:
20 push ups
20 cable diagonal raises (20 each arm)
20 standing cable pull overs
20 cable rows

Circuit 4:
20 floor Y raises
20 barbell bench press
20 shoulder press
10 burpees  

Reference guide

Lat pull downs

Standing cable flies

Upper back dumbbell rows
Front raises
Lateral Raises
Push Ups
cable Diagonal Raises
Standing cable pullovers
cable Rows

Dumbbell Bench Press
Shoulder Press
Barbbell Bench Press
Floor Y Raise

plank Pose

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