Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Nicole K Week 3 Update

Well the stairs are getting easier throughout the week...but Monday killed me after not doing them over the weekend I feel it on Monday! 

I have been doing the treadmill and my time stays the same but I am upping my miles and my speed. I feel like I am losing weight at least inches...but I am scared to step on the scale! I am not wanting to see the numbers.  I am still not drinking's water with lemon and lime and lots and lots ice! 

My updates are short now not much to say!  I am just plugging along and I have a ton of people behind me.  My husband and I just did a family membership to the local fitness center and we have been going everyday!  IT has been great having someone to go with!  it is nice to go with someone and just get on the treadmill and go!  Sometimes I wish it would take me away far far away just to escape everyday life.  But it doesn't it helps with getting out some frustrations. 

When I am the treadmill I see all these people running around me going miles and miles and miles and I start to feel bad that I am soooo slow and not where they are at fitness wise. Then I have to do a reality check and remember I am doing good! I am doing what I can and each time I go it gets better and better and better!  I am proud of myself for going and for making a change now in my life for my children and my husband! 


  1. Nicole you are awesome! You are taking action and doing something about your health! Be proud of that!

  2. Nicole you are amazing! It is hard seeing all the people running and doing things you cant but stay positive it gets easier! If ever you need a workout partner let me know!Im so proud of you

  3. I have the same problem of comparing myself to others. But its good to know that we can be at our ownoace! Way to be! Your an inspiration!
